
The comments, mentions, views, recommendations, suggestions and contents on this blog (and my other social spaces) are of my own personal opinion. Just like every other consumers, I am a consumer myself. Certain things may work well for me but not you. We have different skin complexions and tones, live in different climate and may have different preferences. I am sharing my thoughts based on my personal experiences with the product or item and have no intention to offend any of my readers. I hope to create enjoyable and informative contents for you.


I endeavor to be a reliable and dependable source of information for you. I believe in being truthful to my readers. I want to built a strong and lasting relationship with my readers that is built on trust. I want my readers to come back to me as a reliable source of information. I hate reading false reviews or to be misguided. Similarly, I will not misguide my readers. At no point will i mis-represent any information for any benefit. I would not be swayed by incentives to positively represent a product. If there are any negative views of a product, I will include it in my content.

Sources of Products Reviewed

Majority of the products that I review are purchased by me. These items are purchased for my own personal consumption. At no point am I showboating or showing off my wealth. I hold a full-time job and I work hard to save up to purchase these items. Occasionally, I may receive certain items as gifts and presents during special occasions like birthday. I may also review certain sponsored products if I am approached by the brand. As explained above, I will not falsify my review and will only give a honest opinion and review. Similarly, I may reject sponsored product reviews if I deem the product to be bad for my skin or its against my personal beliefs, values and principals.


The contents and information are all created and written by myself. If any contents are borrowed or referred from other authors, credits will be given to them. I will mention and link the authors in my posts.


The images taken and displayed in this blog belongs to this Scarf Life by Ain. I put in lots of effort in taking the photos to give my readers a better reading experience. If you love my photos, you are most welcome to use and share them. But please credit and link it back to my blog. Similarly, if I were to use any images from other sources that are not my own, I will credit and link it back to the respective sources.

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